Friday 29 April 2011

Lockheed Lightning P38G 42-13345/F5E 44-24229

Lockheed Lightning P38G 42-13345

A day out in the vicinity of Aberystwyth earlier in the week to look at a two sites with Matt ZX and a couple of our regulars.

First up the infamous and contentious Plynlimon Lightning, about which you'll see very little reliable information on the internet (other than this) - was it for example Lightning F5E 44-24229 or P38 42-13345?

More contentious and far more interesting to non-anoraks is who did this:

Lockheed P38G Lightning 42-13345-Vandalism
Who cut the turbocharger out of this wing and took it home back in 2003/2004? Here's what it used to look like pre-vandalism:

Lockheed P38G Lightning 42-13345-Down in Wales

There's a sizeable reward for information leading to recovery...

Location: SN 79840 86523

More info:

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