I'm Sean. Me and my friend Mick go out every week, looking for plane wrecks, mainly wartime, mainly on high ground in the Peak District and Snowdonia. This doesn't make us 'plane nuts though. It's about the walk mainly.
We do feel affection for most of the plane enthusiasts we come across, but let's face it, it's a sad sort of hobby, and some of them take themselves entirely too seriously.
There are quite a few sites on the 'net which cover this area, but you will find that the information on them is of very variable quality, and they may want to charge for accurate wreck co-ordinates, if they will let them have any at all. You will find, as we have, that the coordinates available free may be several miles away from the real sites.
Those who have visited quite a few wreck sites are often very precious about giving any information on location to people starting up in the hobby. Some of them even seem to believe that it would be economic to weigh the wrecks in for scrap, and that anyone enquiring as to locations might secretly be a patsy for a band of roaming scrap merchants. Amusingly, the only people weighing in planes for scrap are the very same people who accuse others of doing it.
Anyway, we don't see why anyone should waste time on searching for wrecks if they just want to go and look at them. We are going to publish a GPS validated 5 decimal place coordinate for the most notable piece of wreckage along with a description of what is there, and the local conditions. On a technical note, all coordinates use the OSGB datum.
Walking in high country other than in summer can be on the challenging side. Even in summer, the weather can change rapidly for the worse. Some of these sites are on or near cliffs, sink holes, abandoned wells, and rifle ranges. Wandering about in some of these areas without the right kit and knowledge is dangerous, potentially even fatal. Navigation can become very difficult, especially if the visibility drops. Don't say we didn't warn you. Here's a couple of illustrative pics...

Take only photos, leave only footprints...
Thanks for the links to:
Skills-Bills - Quality Sweary Birding Action
Sheffield on the Internet - Portal and Information Source for Sheffield, South Yorkshire and the Peak District for business, tourists, visitors and expats.
Chase me... its a reciproll thing