Thursday, 4 October 2007

Airspeed Oxford Mk.I NM683

Oxford Wreck: Rushup Edge
Originally uploaded by seansonofbig

This Oxford on Rushup edge was the first of today's finds.

Location is SK 10948 83838

More info


Akrokid said...

Yeah we found it! The OD co-ordinates were incredibly accurate but even so it was a bit tricky to find as a lack of useful topographical features in the grid square made the co-ordinates a bit academic - beyond a 6 figure co-ord all that was needed was a brief description...'Facing the northern slope of Rushup Edge, with Manor House Farm directly behind you, a number of water-shedding ravines are visible - halfway up the most obvious ravine the wreckage is visible on the left bank...unless you think this makes it too easy. Thanks for your help though...

Sean said...

Well done. What are OD Coords?

Akrokid said...

Hi Sean SK 10948 can take a look on the peak district wreck hunters web's an Oxford Air Speed....

Unknown said...

Never heard of OD co-ordinates, do you means OS?

Sean said...

Hi Paul, did you read my comment above?

Unknown said...

I did but couldn't work out whether you were querying what OD cords were too, or asking for the reference (which he then gave)! I'm assuming Akroid is just referring to OS cords and hit the 'D' instead of 'S'.


Sean said...

I see. Nope, I didn't know what OD co-ords were either...

Sean said...

I see. Nope, I didn't know what OD co-ords were either...