Tuesday 26 August 2008

Cwm Silyn : Henley L3334 and Ansons MG111 and N9562

Cwm Silyn : Henley  L3334 and Ansons MG111 and N9562
Cwm Silyn Henley and Ansons
Originally uploaded by wreckhunter

We went up around Cwm Silyn yesterday, looking for the wreckage of the Henley and two Ansons (MG111 and N9562) reputedly in the area.

The Henley was a development of Hawker's successful Hurricane, but even crappier than the Botha and Defiant recently featured. It wasn't even a good target tug, with the engine frequently failing in service.

Like everyone else, we found the Henley, but not the Ansons, one of which is was supposedly lost around the point this pic was taken from. A cursory metal detector search of this area turned up nothing.

The high heather (especially in the area around the Henley crash site) hides holes up to 8 feet deep. The scree is slippery and unstable when wet, and has sharp edges.

If you are thinking of a visit, we suggest you do not go in 40mph winds and driving rain as we did. This was the hardest four mile walk we have done in a long time.

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