Monday, 18 May 2009

Lack of posts, Ebay and Bulgaria

Won't be going out today, for the second week running. Mick agreed to drive an ancient truck his mate bought on ebay to Bulgaria last week, and he's not back yet.

I hear it's all a bit Borat as soon as you are away from the tourist coast in Bulgaria, for anyone else thinking of buying a house out there sight unseen on ebay, as the truck's owner has.

I should imagine if Mick has managed to live through the experience, he'll have a few stories.

The Foreign and Commonwealth office's website advises you not to argue with aggressive drivers in Bulgaria as they may be armed, and that criminals dressed as traffic cops may impose fines on you or even "impound your vehicle".

Driving a knackered truck to a previously unseen house bought on the internet in a country with highwaymen. What could possibly go wrong?

1 comment:

Mick said...

went past what looked like a pretty complete Mustang wreck beside an autobahn nera Frankfurt. Didn't have my camera handy unfortunately. Any ideas as to what I actually saw?