Saturday, 31 August 2013

North American P51 Mustang Mk.I AP208 and Boulton Paul Defiant Mk.I N1651 coded JT-Z

A grand day out with Pat and Mick yesterday yielded a twofer, a Mustang on Holdron Moss, and the Defiant on Hawthornthwaite Fell.

 North American P51 Mustang Mk.I AP208 wreckage on holdron moss, forest of bowland

North American P51 Mustang Mk.I AP208

Location: SD 60795 50779
More Info
Defiant Mk.I N1651 coded JT-Z on hawthornwaite fell, forest of bowland

Boulton Paul Defiant Mk.I N1651 coded JT-Z

Location: SD 57499 51584
More Info 

The "More info" links are to the relevant sections of Wotherspoon's book, which is now available free on Google books, in the unlikely event that you were thinking of buying it. His coordinates are very good for the Mustang. Less so for the Defiant.....  


William said...

Glad you are still getting out into the hills. This year I have been to the Anson at Moel Hebog and a few others in the Peak district.

I went to the Mustang in Sept 2011 and found it easily enough, quite a bit of interesting wreckage there.

Rather than going to the Defiant I then went up to Blenheim Mk.V BA246 using the grid ref from that book. It was only about 50 metres out but placed it the wrong side of the track that is up there, which threw me a bit.

I found two pools of wreckage (SD 57876 48259 and SD 57921 48259) and other quite large bits scattered around.


Sean said...

Cheers William, we do what we can, but we have a lot more work nowadays...