Tuesday 14 August 2018

Short Stirling Mk.III LK502

Stirling:Lake Rudyard
Originally uploaded by seansonofbig2

Previously molten chunks of aluminium, scraps, and a marked negative terminal at the impact site of the Stirling bomber which crashed near Rudyard Lake. There are also many scraps around this location, and an adjacent patch of bare earth riddled with minutiae. Hard to believe it hasn't been kept bare by generations of souvenir hunters scratching around for bits.

Location:SJ 93949 59825

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Peak District Air Accident Research said...
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Sean said...

I am saying that I believe that for a bit of grassland to stay bare for fifty years, it has been picked over many times. It is clearly visible from the path.

These sites have mostly already vanished. We have never taken a scrap from them. Can you say the same?

Peak District Air Accident Research said...
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Sean said...
